Some tips for your first blog post

Welcome to your Pattern blog!

Use this blog to share news, photos, tutorials and more with anyone who visits your Pattern site. Regularly posting new content will drive more traffic to your site too, as it will improve your SEO and give people an easy way to share your posts.

Some ideas for blog posts  

  1. Tell your shop's story
  2. Walk through your process — and include lots of photos
  3. Document a day in your life (or in the life of your business)
  4. Announce new items or promotions
  5. Promote events where you're selling in person
  6. Anything you'd like!

Some things you can do here  

  • Use the content toolbar to style your post, create bulleted lists (like this one), or add links, pictures and videos.
  • Add a featured image and excerpt to grab readers' attention as they scroll through all your posts.

One last thing

We won't add a "Blog" link to your site until you publish your first post.

You can save this draft as a reference, or delete it and start writing your inaugural post. We won't be offended in the least.

Happy blogging!

- The Pattern Team

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